Lifestyle · Travel

Japan Trip Reflection – cultural differences and the beauty of Japanese life

I can’t believe the trip of a lifetime has come and gone already. I have struggled with how to write this blog post. Where do you even begin with such a life-changing, awe-inspiring trip? I don’t want to just tell you what we did - my husband will be uploading YouTube videos and you can… Continue reading Japan Trip Reflection – cultural differences and the beauty of Japanese life

Lifestyle · Mental Health · Updates

Growth, spring and what it all means for me this year

I’m not quite at the big 3-0, but my turning 29 in under a month feels important. Like it’s my last chance to send off my 20s with a big hoorah. It’s sort of like wrapping that decade in a bow and saying “this is what it meant; this is what I learned” and taking… Continue reading Growth, spring and what it all means for me this year

Lifestyle · Mental Health

The Age Panic and Our Mental Health

Work hard while you’re young. Travel while you’re young. Date around while you’re young. Learn while you’re young. Start a business while you’re young. Don’t wait too long! Have a baby while you’re still young. Settle down into a home you’ve bought while you’re young. It’s embarrassing to wait too long. It sounds like society… Continue reading The Age Panic and Our Mental Health

Lifestyle · Mental Health

A love letter to myself

It’s Valentine’s day. The commercial day for proving you love someone(s). It’s cliche now but I want to dedicate today to loving myself. Proving to myself that after all the heartbreak, I still love myself. Because I don’t act like it. In a relationship, I would be deemed the neglectful, abusive partner at times. Constantly… Continue reading A love letter to myself

Lifestyle · Mental Health

Wintering: how to be aligned with nature and embrace true winter energy

This year, I’m trying to do winter properly. To remember that it’s winter and so I needn’t treat the new year as an invitation to start racing towards my goals. Nature is resting and so should I. Sinking into Winter is something I have never fully embraced. What would it even look like for me?… Continue reading Wintering: how to be aligned with nature and embrace true winter energy

Lifestyle · Mental Health

Stop Breaking Promises You’ve Made to Yourself

A youtuber I watch called Muchelle B mentioned in a video that a large part of low self-esteem and failed goals is about constantly breaking promises we make to ourselves. And since I watched that video, I’ve seen how true this is. In the half term break from work, I said I wanted to try… Continue reading Stop Breaking Promises You’ve Made to Yourself

Lifestyle · Updates

Graduating at 28: a reflection

I already did a post about finishing university but I’d like to do an update now that I’ve graduated and it’s been 5 months since I handed in my last essay. My graduation ceremony was perhaps the best day of my life. I’m already married (technically had two weddings!) but that wasn’t the best day… Continue reading Graduating at 28: a reflection